
Sencha touch, YQL and BBC essential mix

So following on from earlier post this week about writing an Ext app which uses YQL to show the BBC radio1 essential mix tracklisting I decided to re-implement the same thing but using the new sencha touch library.

Here it is: BBC Essential Mix Trackisting for Android, Ipad and Iphone

I’ll post later this week details about how it works. For now take a look at the source code and enjoy.

Author: Matt Goldspink

I'm a web developer based in the UK. I'm currently UI Architect at Vlocity, Inc, developing UI's on the Salesforce platform using a mix of Web Components, Angular.js and Lightning.

One Commnet on “Sencha touch, YQL and BBC essential mix

  1. Hi Matt,
    I am the business manager of a medium size charity, rescuing 100’s of
    stateless children from hunger, danger and being hunted for sex slavery in
    the Mekong Highlands area.

    I am going to design our web site using the “Sencha Ext Designer”
    software to help streamline communication and building of the web
    site. I am not a programmer!
    I need a programmer/developer to do the Business Logic and Behavior of the site
    after the design is finished.

    Is there anyone interested in this type of challenge?
    Is there any CMS and/or Shopping Cart built using the Sencha system?

    Sincerely David

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