Month: February 2013


Using grunt with Ext.js 4.x projects

17 March 2013 – Updated to included the new simpler syntax of 0.6.0 So I stumbled across a thread last week on the Sencha forums marked under their “Trending Threads”. It’s title: Sencha Cmd Needs Some F*****G Coffee!!! It’s an eye catching title! Specifically there was one post there which said: I really would love …


Using travis-ci with grunt 0.4.x

Update: 26/03/2013 Tim in the comments points out that if you add grunt-cli to your dev-dependencies in your package.json that will also achieve the same solution. I’d recommend his solution here instead of the below. I thought I’d post a quick set of tips on how to setup on a grunt plugin project as …


Fed up Sencha Cmd? Want to use Grunt with Ext.js and Sencha Touch?

Are you fed up with figuring out all the bazillion commands in Sencha CMD? Do you just want to concat and minify your app without figuring out what the heck Sencha Cmd is asking you to do? Imagine if you could just use a tool like grunt, have it figure out the app dependencies correctly …


Ext.js – Cancel a load on an

Have you ever wanted to cancel a load you initiated on an Ext.js Store? Unfortunately Ext.js doesn’t provide this functionality out of the box, but the below patches provide a way of doing this. By default the call would return itself, but in the below code I changed it to return an which …