Category: Random


SalesforceWay Podcast Interview – Locker Service

I was very fortunate to be invited by Xi, the host of SalesforceWay Podcast, to come on the show and talk about Locker Service. Locker Service is one those of weird technologies that many people don’t fully understand or see the benefit of. In fact I’d go so far as to say that many Salesforce …


Using travis-ci with grunt 0.4.x

Update: 26/03/2013 Tim in the comments points out that if you add grunt-cli to your dev-dependencies in your package.json that will also achieve the same solution. I’d recommend his solution here instead of the below. I thought I’d post a quick set of tips on how to setup on a grunt plugin project as …


Hackday 2011 – London Borough Smackdown

Back on March 26th I was invited to a government hackday by Meg and her uni mates. The aim of the day was to get into groups and make use of government data to produce some application, ranging from useful tools, visualisations of data or making fun things with government data. We had 6 hours! …


Can’t boot into Windows XP after installing Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid Lynx)

I upgraded to Lucid a few months ago but have not been able to use my windows partition since. Everytime I select it from Grub2 it just goes to a grub style prompt and I can’t do much. I finally found a solution here: which worked beautifully first time and I’m now back into …


Re-visiting Spring, Ivy and Maven – copy and paste configs

So its been a while since I did any Java development at home and having done enough at work I figured I would get a basic ivy setup with all the regular dependencies that I use for 90% of the projects I do at the firm and am likely to do at home so I …