
Playing with Ext.js, YQL and BBC radio1 Essential Mix

I’m a big fan of the radio1 essential mix and list to almost every week. I’m also getting more and more stuck into Ext.js at work. I also saw a great talk by Christian Heilmann of Yahoo at Full Frontal last and he demo’ed YQL. So I thought I’d give it a go and make …


Tomcat6 issues upgrading to Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx

I thought I’d post this in case anyone else hits similar issues upgrading to Ubuntu 10.4. So after following all the steps I decided to keep my existing tomcat6 script under /etc/init.d/tomcat6 because I’d customised it for launching Subsonic Music Server. However after restarting my machine after upgrading I noticed subsonic was not running. So …


Using Ivy with Springs repository and other Maven repositories

We use Apache Ivy in the office now and I thought I’d give it a proper whirl at home. In the office we have our repository to store all the libraries we have in our environment and so the setting up of resolvers etc is all taken care off. Out in the real world you …